I've been mentioning that I will be building out a 12.04 version of Bauer-Puntu Linux, and I will. For the most part I will install all the sstuff you guys have grown to love. CHNTPW, GrimWEPA and the rest. In this version I decided that I would install one more toy you may have heard of. It's called Low Orbit Ion Cannon (LOIC), and it is probably the best known DoS testing tool out there.The problem with it is that it's written in .Net. Why anyone would write a hacking/attacking tool using Microsoft programming I have no idea, but they did. Anyway, in order to run it you must be running .Net Framework. For most people that means running it in WINE. Well screw that! I am going to put it in Bauer-Puntu and run it natively with Mono, the Linux version of .Net Framework! Do you want to install it and run it nateivly in Ubuntu? Here's how you do it:Edit your apt sources and add deb lucid main as a repository
Run sudo apt-get update and ignore the gpg key warnings.
Run sudo apt-get install mono-complete
After that download the latest version of LOIC from here: (Low Orbit Ion Cannon)
Create a directory called /opt/loic
Unzip the contents of the LOIC version you downloaded above, and place the contents in /opt/loic
To launch it run sudo mono /opt/loic/LOIC.exe
Here's a screen shot of LOIC running in Ubuntu without WINE!True, it's not as easy as running sudo apt-get get install loic, but it will do! Now if you get a few hundred of your buddies you can test out your own DoS attack on your websites to see how they will hold up, and you can do it from your Linux computer![Via Tekkidd]del.icio.us tags: how to, apt-get, low orbit ion cannon, loic, ubuntu, linux, installRelated articles, courtesy of Zemanta:Preliminary analysis of Anonymosus-OS: lame, but no obvious malware
May I Be Arrested For Using LOIC?
Low Orbit Ion Cannon: Exposed
HOIC - High Orbit Ion Cannon Serial Key